Friday, April 25, 2014

Vitally United

I recently read an article about "going green". My kids are learning about it in school and I was helping one of them with some research. The article was about the importance of buying local produce. The article explained when we buy fruits and vegetables in a normal supermarket, we are often buying products that have been harvested and shipped across the country. The length of time this produce has between when it's picked and when we actually eat it can be over a week or more.  Once the fruits and vegetables are removed from the plant or vine, they start to lose important nutrients.  The article claims that much of what we buy has lost about 40-50% of its nutrients.

This immediately reminded me of the importance of staying connected to The Vine!  John 15:5 AMP says, "I am the Vine; you are the branches. Whoever lives in Me and I in him bears much (abundant) fruit. However, apart from Me (cut off from vital union with Me) you can do nothing. If you live in Me (abide vitally united to Me) and My words remain in you and continue to live in your hearts, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you."

Vital union with Him. He wants us to 'abide vitally united to Him'. Those words are rich!!  They are filled with LIFE!!  Just reading those words makes me desire to be in His presence. What a God!  That He would be so mindful of us.  That He would give us this connectivity with Himself which provides us with life and value and the nutrients we need to thrive. 

I had the privilege of riding horses this week with some friends at the national park. It was a glorious day with sunshine and fresh air and doing something I absolutely love.  There is a spot we always stop to let the horses rest and graze for a few minutes - it is right by a little pear tree in the middle of a big field. This time the tree was full of blossoms and the evidence of new life. Around it were daffodils blooming white and gold. It was a picture of new birth, of renewal, of freedom. 

Again, God reminded me of the passage above about abiding vitally united to Him. A life in Him is beautiful and free. It is not tethered to anything else.  It simply allows Him to do what He does best - to be God.  And it allows us to do what He wants us to do - bloom and grow where He's planted us. He gives life that brings joy and peace and love and freedom.
I have a LOT of learning and growing to do.  I don't always get it right. I don't always do the right thing or say the right thing. I don't have answers to every question. But I do know that if I don't have vital union with my Maker, I am going to lose nutrients I was created to need in order to thrive.  I NEED Him.  I always have. I was created to need Him. I need His love and grace, His joy and His peace.  I need His word of life to nurture me.  We all need Him. We all need to remain vitally united to that He can help us be all we were meant to be.  More God! 

I will close with a song by Kim Walker-Smith called "I Need You More"...  

Bethel LIVE "I need You more" Kim Walker (Official Music Video) 

I need You more
more than yesterday
I need You more
More than words can say
I need You more than ever before
I need You Lord...

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