Thursday, April 24, 2014

Garden View

A few months ago, I was helping minister to a woman at church. One question we asked her was something along the lines of 'If you close your eyes and ask God to take you to a place where you can go spend time with Him, where is that place?'. The person answered 'a beautiful garden'. She went on to describe this place in her mind's eye - lush and green, perfectly peaceful.

At first I wasn't all that moved. I had heard many people refer to the same thing when asked that question. But the Lord stirred my heart and prompted me to think into it more. He reminded me that He Himself likes gardens and drew me back to Genesis 2 where He planted the first. He made the garden of Eden both bountiful and pleasing to the eye. Imagine what it must have been like. Completely untainted by pollution or garbage or disease, and instead filled with healthy, fruit-bearing trees and plants - planted by the Master Gardener Himself. I imagine it being lush and green and naturally (or supernaturally) beautiful to behold - so much so that it would have taken our breath away just to catch a glimpse. I imagine life springing up from rich, dark soil...crystal clear streams meandering of intricate design bursting into bloom...perfectly ripened peaches, plums, apples, oranges, etc. hanging from well-tended trees...vines hosting an abundance of plump, juicy grape clusters...berries...butterflies...a sweet fragrance wafting through the air.

I could be wrong - but that's what I picture. :) Every day we wake and witness nature revealing the hand of God. Yet I just imagine the sights we've beheld probably don't compare to the "paradise" of Eden. God created that garden as a place for man to dwell in safety - well-provided for, surrounded by beauty, and in communion with Himself. A place that would no doubt stir your soul to praise the Creator. A place that revealed abundant life. That's all part of God's nature - a provider, a protector, a friend, a Father. God walked in that garden with man and woman. He talked with them. He enjoyed their presence and they His. It was a time and place of intimacy - a pure connection between the Creator and the created. I imagine it felt so safe and secure - so peaceful - so inspiring - so right.

We all know, of course, that sin entered the picture - cue serpent - and suddenly Adam and Eve were running for cover, hiding from their Father. But God still continued to pursue them. Even though they hid from Him. Even though they chose to disobey Him. Even though they chose something over Him, sought something else to meet a need. God pursued them, He cared for them, He covered them. Clearly there were consequences for their sin, but God didn't turn away or decide to disengage. He kept pursuing them because that's His heart. He covered them and showed mercy. He made a way, as only He can.

The Lord wants us to know that He hasn't changed. Malachi 3:6 says "I, the Lord, do not change." I just love when He says that. He isn't a different God from the time of Eden. He is still the same today as He was in the garden and as He will be tomorrow. His heart is for us. He desires intimacy with His children - you and me. He still longs to walk with us, our hand in His, talking with us. He still longs to protect and provide and father us. He still wants us to walk in abundant life and in the shelter of His arms - shielded from the enemy's deception. And every day we wake with a choice: choose to follow Him or not. Stay under His care and protection or not. Stay in communion or run and hide when we make a bad choice. God didn't hide from Adam and Eve - they hid from Him. But He showed them they didn't have to hide nor carry their shame. He showed them mercy. Did they do anything to earn it? No. It was His gift - just like he has continued to offer us throughout the generations - ultimately through Jesus. Mercy.

So why would I be surprised by someone telling me in a sozo that they pictured a beautiful garden? Why would I not be awestruck by the beautiful symmetry? God hasn't changed. He's waiting for us to take a stroll with Him through the garden of our souls. He has things to tell us...seeds to plant in us...secrets to whisper in our ears...dreams to fill our hearts with...inspiration and creativity to impart...courage to instill. His nature and character are trustworthy and faithful. His grace is sufficient. His love unfailing. His mercy great.

"The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail." Isaiah 58:11

August 8, 2012

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