Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Come Away, Come Alive

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being (and not for disaster) to give you a future and a hope. 

I love the Word of God - always current, always powerful, always applicable. This verse above is one that I've known a long time. But in this very moment it means more to me than ever before.  Right now it feels so full of promise. A promise of a faithful Father that stands the test of time.  It speaks to this very moment I'm breathing in and out. It's like water to my thirsty soul. 

His Word never fails...to delight, to impart, to strengthen, to nourish.  His Word brings hope.  Life. When things look bleak, these ancient words inspire me to believe and to hope. I find peace in them. Rest. I read of His faithfulness. I read of His heart of goodness. I read of His sovereignty. His miracles. And I'm reminded how much I need His word to walk through my life.  Rain or shine.  

"I want to know You, Lord, like I know a friend." (United Pursuit, Simple Gospel). This has been a desire of my heart since I was first saved - to know Him intimately.  And isn't this a great way to get to know Him?  By being in His very Word?  To listen to Him speak to the very heart?  A current yet ancient promise for us to find hope in and to feel connected to His heart.  The Word is overflowing with promises and love!  Reading them helps us cultivate a deep friendship with our Creator and Father, our Savior and Friend, our Comforter and Teacher.  And through this relationship, we are able to live!  Really live!  Thrive, even. 

As I sit on my porch soaking in the sunshine and cool, autumn breeze, I am moved by how He meets me here.  Right where I am. He speaks straight to my heart. Truth. Promise. All with a tender love that makes me feel gathered up in His arms.  Covered and held together.  I feel like He's been waiting for me to meet Him here, in the pages of His heart.  I am experiencing His glorious presence and peace in this moment. While I often am running around doing, today I'm instead resting and enjoying His presence. I think it delights Him.  It surely delights me. Peace and joy are invading my spirit. I'm thankful He called me to come away with Him this morning. Thankful He's reminding me how much I need Him and how beautiful time with Him truly is. 

"And He calls each one of us by our name to come away. And He whispers to your heart to let it go and to be alive!  Come alive!  You’re full of life now and full of passion!  It’s how He made you. Just let it happen..." (United Pursuit, Let it Happen)

Thank You, God, for meeting me here. For speaking forth Your word to heal me. Thank You for Your faithfulness. For Your goodness towards me. Thank You for the plans you have for me...for allowing me to partner with You in them.  Thank you for restoring my hope. Thank You for refreshing my spirit. I'm honored You care for me so...and humbled...and so in love with You!  I pray for any who read these words to be blessed with an encounter with You.  To dive into Your book of life and breathe in and out, receiving from Your heart.  Let it happen...

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