Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Changing Seasons…God is My Known

Change is not always easy. I find myself in a place of change, shifting into a new season. I wish I could say I've breezed through this with grace but actually it's been a little ugly.  A mere mention of change caused me to immediately dig my heels in and live in a place of avoidance - the cost of this change just seemed too high. A sacrifice too great for my heart to handle at the time.  But the Lord has so tenderly and patiently pursued my heart, that I cannot help but soften my stance.  He spoke through so many avenues that I could no longer remain in a state of avoidance, but moved into acceptance.  Perhaps soon I'll move into a place of embracing it with joy

As we know in life, change is inevitable. It just is.  We change physically - we grow up, grow old.... We change schools. We change jobs. We change paint colors.  It's natural to go through many changes throughout our lifetime. Some are happy changes, some are extremely challenging, and some bring sadness.  Losing my father twelve years ago was an unwelcome change that brought sadness.  But just as God is famous for, He ministered to my heart and brought comfort.  That comfort carried me through the change and helped me come to a place of peace.  

Thankfully, God's always teaching and preparing us for changes that may come.  No matter what season we're in, God is equipping us for every good work He's prepared in advance for us.  He's downloading all we need into our spirit to be used when the time is right. He is always trying to show us how faithful He is and how present He is so that we can trust Him through the changes.  They may seem too hard or too big, but with Him all things are possible. 

I've been listening to Kristene Dimarco's CD called "Mighty". They are powerful, powerful lyrics when you are in a transitional stage. God is using it to prepare my heart for my new season and I know will continue to encourage me with it once I transition. It's like He knew the words I needed to be repeating to myself and sent me these songs to get my heart right. I have "Mighty" on repeat and every song is rocking me.  The more I listen and sing the words, the more steadfast I feel.  The more excited I become at the possibilities...

Sometimes we need all the help we can get and all the courage we can muster. God is so trustworthy. But sometimes when He's changing things up in our life and shaking things out, it feels a little scary.  It's like I'm driving in my car and the familiar begins to disappear in the rearview mirror and I start down a road that's simply - new. I run into "fear of the unknown" and "what ifs" that threaten to cloud my vision.   I have nothing to go on but my trust in Him, my faith in His guidance and goodness.  He is still familiar. He is my known. He hasn't, nor will ever, change His nature. He's always trustworthy. Always present. Always loving. Always good. 

"So let go my soul and trust in Him!"  (It is Well/Kristene Dimarco).  Even if the road gets bumpy, I can call His name and He stretches out His arm to steady me.  "He lifts me off the ground" (Be Still).  My attention is pulled to His face, His perspective. He makes my courage and confidence rise up. "My heart is steadfast oh God and I won't be led astray by the things that simply will fade before Your face.  I will follow You. I'm wrapped up in You. I belong to You.  I have decided and I have resolved in my heart that I will go anywhere just to see Your face.  Moments may come where I feel so afraid but I rest in the promise You've made that You will remain forever faithful!" (I Will Follow).  "I am not alone. You're with me every step. Seasons come and go, but You have never left." (Be Still).  

Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart And do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him, And He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way].  Proverbs 3:5-6 AMP

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