Thursday, January 19, 2023

The Favor of a King

“For He says, “In the time of My favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.” I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.” ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭6‬:‭2‬ ‭NIV‬‬ 

Anytime I’ve been asked to speak to a group of people, it felt like a blessing and a curse to this introvert. It usually comes with a feeling of not being qualified and thinking another should be chosen. Part of our journey with God is learning that He often asks us to do things that are bigger than we can handle on our own. When His favor rests on us - to lead or even write a devotional - it feels weighty. It costs us something, but at the same time it feels like an honor. 

Life came at Queen Esther fast and furious. Orphaned at an early age, she experienced loss and the need for rescue. Thankfully, God moved the heart of her older cousin, Mordecai, to adopt and care for her. When the King of Persia went on the hunt for a new queen, Esther found herself swept into the process and chosen to wear the queen’s crown. Favor, like her crown, rested on her head. 

Once queen, the king’s evil servant devised a plan to destroy all Jews, and Esther found herself in a position to help save her people from execution. It came with risk…her life was on the line, too. Not only was she under the same death sentence as her people, she could also be killed for going to the king without being summoned. Esther found the courage to act, and it turns out the king granted her favor. 

There are some pretty cool similarities in Esther’s story that we find in our own stories. First, Esther herself was saved and shown favor - first through adoption and then by being chosen by the king. As believers, we are chosen (John 15:16) and adopted (Romans 8:15). Secondly, Esther was invited to partner with God in saving her people. We, too, are invited into a partnership with God to usher the lost into His salvation. 

Here’s some mind-blowing good news: we have the favor of a King just like Esther did. There is a beautiful partnership between the God who saves and the people He saves. We aren’t saved and shown favor so we can live a life of self-indulgence or idleness. We are saved and ushered into great purpose and into the work of our Master. He requires something of us - our trust and obedience. The work He has for us to do is the work of reconciliation (2 Cor 5:18). We are ambassadors of Christ, working with Him to bring heaven to earth and the lost to the same salvation we ourselves have received by grace. 

His salvation is at hand. It’s now. His favor is also now. In Luke 4:18-21, Jesus reveals He was sent “to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor”. I believe that favor is upon us as we work in the Family business with Him. By accepting the mantle, we are entrusted with the favor, resources and authority of the King. It’s a partnership - one in which we need to be in close proximity and relationship with our Partner. There is no greater quest, no greater Leader, or no greater favor than that of King Jesus. Just like Esther, we can step into our role as highly favored daughters of the King. 

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